Today, 1.00 (one) Trinidad and Tobago Dollar is worth 0.12 Pound, ie, TT$1.00 = £0.12. That's because the current exchange rate, to GBP, is 0.12. So, to make Trinidad and Tobago Dollar to Pound conversion, you just need to multiply the amount in TTD by 0.12.

Currency Converter

Trinidad and Tobago currency Click to swap between currencies! Great Britain currency
 GBP  =   TTD
Select your Margin:  Please, choose your margin. By default, we use interbank rates. These rates are used only for big transactions. To avoid disappointment, choose a percentage add-on from the Interbank rate equivalent to the expected spread charged by your financial institution.
Currency rates updated 4 minutes ago.

Learn how to get the best Trinidad and Tobago Dollar exchange rate before exchanging your money

The Trinidad and Tobago Dollar is the official Trinidad and Tobago Dollar currency. TTD/GBP represents the value of Trinidad and Tobago Dollar money in Pound money and it is called the 'exchange rate' or 'forex rate'. This exchange rate from Trinidad and Tobago Dollar to Pound is today at 0.119.

As an example, suppose you are from London Great Britain and you travel to Port-of-Spain Trinidad and Tobago. There, you need to get 1000 Trinidad and Tobago Dollars ( TT$) at a Port-of-Spain bank to pay your hotel. In this case you would pay 0.119 * 1000 = 118.734 Pounds (£). But, in practice, you will pay more (or perhaps much more) to get the same amount of your foreign currency due to the margin for the money conversion services costs like: commissions, credit card surcharges, ATM fees and other expenses. If, for example, you are using a credit card, this margin will typically be around 2 to 3 percent. We recommend that you choose the best place to make your money exchange because there can be a large difference between forex rates you will get.

In the example above for a 1000 Trinidad and Tobago Dollars amount, the result of the money conversion is 121.108 GBP for a 2% margin or 122.296 GBP for a 3% margin.

Some Internet based foreign currency exchange agencies add 10 percent or even more. So, if you make the same calculations above, there will be a difference of about 11.873 GBP depending on which forex bank or agency you choose to exchange your money. So, that's why we advise you to seek the best place to get the best fx rates for your upcoming money transfer/exchange. The only way to know what is the best exchange rate is to know what the current rate is. You can easily accomplish this by using periodically our currency converter above to get an idea of what forex rate to expect.

Note: If you use our currency converter, you only need to choose the amount of margin in its drop-down list and have an estimate of how much you will pay to get the desired amount.

By the way: there are some notations for this currency pair like TTD-GBP or TTDGBP among others. The currency symbol for Trinidad and Tobago Dollar is (TT$) while the currency symbol for Pound is (£). Note also that the Trinidad and Tobago country code is TTO or TT. The Great Britain country code is GBR or GB

TTD to GBP Cheat Sheet
TTD (TT$)GBP (£)
GBP (£)TTD (TT$)